We believe

bicycling should be safe and easy for everyone.

NSBA works to improve infrastructure, promote biking, and ensure street safety in north King and south Snohomish counties.

What we're working on:

Building better bike networks

Advocating for better trails and safer roads in Edmonds, Shoreline, Lynnwood, and MLT.

Sharing cycling skills

Supporting educational efforts for young bikers – like the Let's Go education program.

Bridging the Gap

Convening local leaders to connect the "missing link" in the Interurban Trail between Shoreline & Edmonds at S.R. 104.

Upcoming events:

Hackamapathon 2: Civic Tools for Biking Advocacy • Saturday, March 1st

We'll learn and explore tools to help biking and advocate for improvements! Hosted by Urbanist Shoreline & NSBA.

Weekly rides 🚴

Meet at Edmonds City Hall. Social pace, 8-12 miles.

Leadership meetings

Open to the public – come meet us!

Stay in the loop!

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